Sunday, December 9, 2007

post 17

  • Last Christmas Eve, he was about to board a plane from Edmonton, after he and Glen had been visiting Wayne. When he said he wanted to sleep on the plane so he'd be in shape for Christmas, Wayne suggested he take a Gravol. Brent was horrified.
  • We landed at Sheremetyeve International Airport on June 28, 1982, and before we left for home on July 5, we had packed in enoguh sightseeing and memories to indeed last a lifetime.
  • Once, though, after a particularly late night, we had a craving for some down-home Cnanadian food and wound up at an Embassy staff member's house, munching peanut butter and jam sandwiches! Home is a lot of little things. We played tourist, of course, did Red Square, saw the incredible Moscow Circus, and watched one of the most inpressive sights ever: the changing of the guard at Lenin's Tomb. One night he couldn't sleep, so he wandered down to the lobbyh at about 1:30 a.m., found Charlie (who never sleeps), and they walked until 8 a.m. Every time they passed through the square on the hour, the'd stop and watch the guard change.
  • He first played the Soviet Union in the Junior World Cup competition in 1977 at the Forum in Montreal. He was 16, and he almost didn't make it. Then he went out and won the tournament scoring championship with 8 goals and 9 assists in 6 games.
  • Team Canada lost 3-2 in the big game against the Soviet Union after being up 2-0. The Soviets went on to beat Sweden 5-2 for the title.
  • The next time Wayne faced the Soviets it was as a member of the WHA All-Star team, playing on that line with Gordie and Mark Howe against touring Moscow Dynamo.
  • The WHA swept the series, 4-2, 4-2 and 4-3.

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